viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Post 10: English Language Challenges

To me the experience in this subject is totally new, i mean, when i´m high school student never learn English at this form, with this kind of methodology. I that sense my level was very poor when i´m started this subject. For that reason to me has been a little difficult  adapt, but at the same time, has been a very interesting experience.

I think the methodology its good, especially because the students can put on practice the language speak it in different activities. Also, the write activity (the blog´s) its important to put on practice the grammatical  and vocabulary learning. 

However, i would like continue learned English after of  term this career because i need much to learn and i want travel to other countries for study o personal reasons, places where talks are  in english. Also i like "the languages" very much, my idea (or my dream jaja) is learn different  languages like French, Portuguese, Italian or Germany, be a "polyglot". I think the language can open your mind to other possibilities or visions because with him you can build the world that around you. When i say "this its a pencil" immediately put a barrier to that object, because the word "pencil" or the meaning at that word close the possibilities to appoint that object with other form, with other word or even other sound.

A way at continue to learn English   is, for example, watching films with subtitle. I like see films very much and i try to put attention at the text of subtitle and pronunciation of characters. Also, when i listen music try to put attention at the lyrics.  That is the most near relation with the language because my favorite bands are from England or United States mainly.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

post 7

I think environment is important because in the last twenty years contamination thrown to the atmosphere is critical. This toxic material comes to the industry, or combustible combustion or our houses. In that sense we (the common people) can do little things to fight against the contamination.
For example, when we travel to school, university or work can that in bike instead of car, in fact, the number of cars in the street of the world is ONE THOUSAND MILLION in 2011!, a great number considerate the quantity of CO2 per car that is thrown to the air when is using. (150 grams for KM more or less)  
Also, when we go to supermarket or the “little market of neighborhood
” can use always a same bag to save and transport those things. With this little action avoid use plastics bags that delay much time to bio-degradate and the 90% of material of that bags is very toxic to the

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


To write this post, i would use the article about the  John Cage musician  from this page:
In words of Michael Finnissy, (a composer who work with John Cage) Cage is a “wolf in sheep´s clothing” because he was a great composer of 20 TH century, very rigorous and self conscience of his importance.
His famous piece called 4´33´´ is a conceptual masterpiece with an forgot element of the music, the silence. David Tudor was the pianist who interpreted the piece in 1952, a silent piece of four minutes and thirty three second exactly.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

An artist that i admire so much is Diane Arbus.
She was a photographer born in the United States, New York in 1923.
During the 1940’s  she worked as a  photographer in “Vogue” magazine. However, she produced her most recognizable work in the sixties, during the height of the counterculture.
I find her work very interesting , because it always represents the “b side” of the United States society, the marginal ways  of life, ultimately, these things that never shown us, that which is unpresentable and left out for the establishment. (mental patients, sexual minorities, prostitutes, people with deformed bodies, etc.)
Her photographs always are in black and white, with high contrast between lights and shadows, which produces a strange sensation, like a mystery atmosphere. The personages always appear in first plane and looking at the camera, like defying the viewer.
One of my favorite images is a called “In the Park", where there are two pairs of personages sitting on a bench in Central Park. In the left side there are two transvestites dressed in lace and erotic clothing’s with dark tones, and the right side there are two typical ladies dressed in white with a attitude of strangeness front of transvestites.  I think this image is fascinating, is like a mixture of two universes totally different.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Post 3 : Unforgettable Holidays

In my last summer traveled to Copiapo, specifically at the beginning of February. I traveled alone and there was waiting for me a friend named "Waren" who gave me hosting in your home that is located near the city center… long ago my friend was inviting me to visit. It was a really interesting trip, I met the desert and many beautiful beaches, however, the more I wanted to know what was the desert, and the desert is what I most remember of the trip, especially in the evenings when the sun set and the desert changed color to purple tones.
Also camped near a beach called "Bahia Inglesa". Never had done a tent before in my life, and my friend either, and as you would expect he was not very well done jaja… but anyway served quite. Something I will never forget was when we found fish carcasses in middle of the desert, it was very creepy (probably some people ate and left there the remains) and as my friend is a photographer took some pictures of the place, so I chose a photo of that place specifically for the blog.
I have very good memories of those vacations, and also look forward to returning some day!

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Post 1: Spring Term

During the first half of this year I had a bad experience with my band, when the drummer decided to leave. That was a major problem because the style of music we play (which could be defined as stoner / metal) is not very popular here, so finding a new drummer who fits in the band is very difficult, in fact, we have not found one, and it seems that we will not find anyone in a long time. Anyway, we decided to be patient and wait as long as it takes to get the right drummer.

However, during this time I have formed another band called "CAER", with a much darker and heavier sound, which keeps me very excited and motivated. The band influences range from a mix of "crust punk" and "doom-metal", so there are moments of great speed and others, on the contrary, very slow. I play the guitar in “CAER”, while Felipe (same name as me), who plays the bass and also sings, has a really cool voice, very guttural and demonic!

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

¨A Darwinian Theory of Beauty? ¨by Denis Duton

For Denis Dutton, the beauty has been a problematic concept during the history of humanity. The first people who thought this concept as the Greece philosophies like Platon in two thousand years ago. During that time the beauty has been thinking in different areas, like psychology, aesthetics, etc, but has never reached a unique concept of beauty

For that, Duton ask himself, how can things be considered beautiful in one place to another? In other words ¿ exist a universal factor to describe what is the beauty?, and the answer to Duton is categorical, the answer to that question come from to the Evolutional Theories of Charles Darwin.

According to this, the evolution of man is related to brain growth, therefore, with the mastery of technique. From Homo Erectus (100,000 years ago) the man has manufactured objects through technology such as Acheulean Handaxes, which for Denis Dutton are not just objects with built-in game, also were the first objects of aesthetic contemplation. For the intelligence to make those axes, motor control or coordination were socially valued qualities as beautiful (these qualities served, for example, to attract women). So to throughout history, according to Dutton, beauty has been intimately linked to technology, to this day we value the good technical performance or "performance skill" as "beautiful", we find beauty in doing something well.

Despite the interesting personally do not fully agree with the theory of Dutton. He does not consider, for example, the role of women as producers of aesthetic objects, in that sense I think your position is something sexist. It also does not consider that there are simple objects, without technical complications that can be called beautiful.  I think the beauty relate to the technical development is a bit reductionist.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

The Night of the Living Dead

Hello !, to this activity i choose one of my favorite movies of old school of horror, the Night of the living dead directed by George A. Romero. 
This movie was released in 1968, that is, in the middle of a political conflict that represent some form of this film.
A strange radiation beginning to affect a dead corpses, and they get life and a lot of desire to eat human flesh.
The first scene of movie is a Barbara and Jonny travel in the graveyard, characters suddenly appears disfigured face and body that starts to haunt them ... without understanding the situation they horrified run by pastures and Jonny is caught by this creature and kill him... this creature is a living dead. 
Social conflicts showing in the film is a political nature. The ideological struggle in the sixties between United States and the communism of the Soviet Union (conflict known as the "Cold War") had the world with fear as both parties had a nuclear weapons capable of destroying the world. Advances in the use of nuclear technology and  radiation were viewed with fear, and this is reflected in the movie as it is this radiation that caused the dead come to life. 

viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

This picture is from my last summer in Copiapo with my partner "warén". In that day we go to Barranquilla, a little town in the coast. Barranquilla is a one hour more or less from Copiapo in bus, to go them you have crossing the desert.
Its really beatiful place, with a little beach with green water and withe sand, and when the sun is down the desert got a especial colors, really psicodellic.
In that day we found a "fish cementary", a place whit a lot skelletor´s fish in the desert, fucking amazing ! , in fact we do some photos because surprise us.